Travel Articles
Barcelona's outlets, a smart way to shop The best outlets to indulge yourself by buying at low prices.
10 Simple things that will make us happy in 2017 10 small reasons to be happy and travel to Barcelona in 2017
Crappy Christmas traditions? Barcelona has two! What are Catalonia's Caganer and Caga Tió Christmas traditions? And why are they pooping?
Meet Barcelona's Street Musicians What does Barcelona sound like? It sounds like music on the streets and here we talk about thos...
Donald Trump - Mayor of Barcelona What if Donald Trump had been elected mayor of Barcelona?
Why you should be eating Iberian ham? It's healthy in a balanced diet, has a rich history and best of all it's that not as fattening ...
Tips for riding a bike in Barcelona More than just exercise, discover the advantages of traveling by bike around town.
All about the Spanish Omelette Discover the history of this typical Spanish dish that conquered the culinary world.
Getting a Driving licence in Barcelona All the information you need to know how to get a driving licence in Barcelona, Spain!
Weekend Markets in Barcelona Discover the coolest Weekend Markets in Barcelona!