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Palau Sant Jordi is a pavillion located in the Montjuïc area of Barcelona, created for the 1992 Olympic Games but now the home of various sports, music, and cultural events, amongst other celebrations and exhibits on a smaller scale.

Championships have been held there, as well as finals of basketball, tennis, handball and swimming tournaments. Many a famous artists have also graced the stage of Palau Sant Jordi, including Madonna, Freddie Mercury, Metallica, Lady Gaga, and Beyoncé to name but a few.

Whether you're visiting a sports championship final or you're attending a live concert from your favourite performer, we recommend staying in the Montjuïc area. Because the venue isn't in the city centre, it's much easier to stay nearby and not have to deal with the extra time and cost involved in public transport. It will make your visit much easier if you stay in an apartment close to the Palau Sant Jordi. You can be one of the first to arrive at the event and get back to your accommodation in no time, to relax after an energetic night... All without the hassle of catching one of the last Metro trains or dealing with the nightbus.

If you're travelling with your friends or work companions, you can share the costs without compromising on privacy, as each person can have their own room.


available accommodations in Barcelona ( Showing 301 - 328 )
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