Popis apartmana smještena u susjedstvu Raval , Barcelona. Svaki apartman ima najkraće vrijeme najma od 2 dana i 1 mjesec.

Od €6840DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €675DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €5940DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €820DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1323Detaljnijepo osobi za noćCena na osnovu rezervacije za 2 osobe l osoba van sezone
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €6300DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €5940DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1150DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1250DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1150DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1300DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1500DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €850DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1250DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1250DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3000DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €1150DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €850DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €12060DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.
Od €3750DetaljnijemonthMonthly rental without cleaning, supplies and agency fee.